From The Reservation Director - August 25, 2019
Greetings from Ashford! This past week the 56th Season of Camping at the June Norcross Webster Scout Reservation officially ended with the Camp Staff departing after putting the Summer Camp equipment away and readying it for the winter. It is a very bittersweet feeling at JNW right now as the Staff are very tired, but look back on a remarkable season of excitement and adventure. We had over 1,576 Scout Week Campers in our Base Camp and 102 in the Cub Country. On top of that we had Family Camping, NYLT and a Merit Badge Day. That total puts us at around 2,000 Scouts who attended JNW in one of our programs or another. Although it’s not about numbers, it is rewarding to see our JNW family grow. This season would NOT have been successful without the enthusiastic Camp Staff, dedicated volunteers including the Friends of Webster, an engaged Council Executive Board, a Council Professional & Support Staff who believe in the mission and most importantly Scout Leaders, Families and Parents who believe that the Scout Camp program is important in the development of the lives our young men and woman. We feel that we made a difference this summer and we hope that we were able to meet your expectations. In the words of famed musician Peter Frampton “Let’s do it again” in 2020!
Warm Regards,
- Pat Boyd
Warm Regards,
- Pat Boyd